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Where to Get Information & Refunds
Centre des Liaisons, Européennes et Internationales de Sécurité Sociale (CLEISS), 11 rue de la Tour des Dames, 75436 Paris Cedex 09. Tel: 1 45 26 33 41.
Refunds: Local Sickness Insurance Offices (Caisse Primaire d'Assurance-Maladie CPAM).
Doctors, Dentists & Prescriptions
Make sure that the doctor or dentist you consult is conventionné, that is, they work within the French health system.
After treatment, get a signed statement of the treatment given (feuille de soins) - you can't claim a refund without it.
You'll be charged for the treatment you get, as well as for any prescribed medicines, and the amount(s) should be shown on the 'feuille'.

For free or reduced medical cover, don't forget your EIHC card (Previously form E111)

When getting prescribed medicines, the pharmacist will hand you back your prescription and you should attach it to the 'feuille' in order to claim a refund.
Medicine containers also carry detachable labels (vignettes), showing the name and price of the contents.
Stick these in the appropriate place on the 'feuille' and sign and date the form at the end.
Send your application for a refund (the 'feuille de soins', any prescription and your E1HC) to the nearest sickness insurance office (CPAM) while you're still in France.
The refund will be sent to your home address later, but it may be subject to a bank charge.
Before issuing the money order, the French authorities will send you an itemised statement of the amount to be refunded. The refund process normally takes around two months.
Around 70% of standard doctors' and dentists' fees are refunded, and between 35% and 65% of the cost of most prescribed medicines.
The cost of common remedies and items such as bandages are refunded at the lower rate.
The cost of medicines marked with a “?vignette” isn't recoverable.
Hospital Treatment
You must pay for out-patient treatment and then claim a refund from the local Sickness Office (as above).
For in-patient treatment, the doctor you have consulted or the hospital doctor will issue you with a certificate (attestation).
The hospital should then send a 'Notice of admission - Acceptance of Responsibility' (Avis d'admission - prise en charge) form to the local sickness insurance office along with your E1HC. If not send it yourself.

If you are treated in an approved hospital, the office will pay 75% or more of the cost direct to the hospital. You pay the balance.
You must also pay a fixed daily hospital charge (forfait journalier). The 25% balance and the forfait journalier are non-refundable.
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Caisses Primaire d’Assurance Maladie (CPAM) in the Vendée
Challans CPAM, 4 boulevard René Bazin, 85300 Challans
(02 51 49 38 83)
Fontenay le Comte CPAM, 2 boulevard Du Guesclin, 85200 Fontenay le Comte
(02 51 69 29 90)
Les Herbiers CPAM, 45 rue de Clisson, 85500 Les Herbiers
(02 51 91 09 09)
Luçon CPAM, Cité André Biron, 85400 Luçon
(02 28 14 00 76)
La Roche sur Yon CPAM, rue Alain, 85000 La Roche sur Yon
(02 51 44 16 16)
Les Sables d’Olonne CPAM, 18 rue Félix Faure, 85100 Les Sables d’Olonne
(02 51 32 06 26)

See also Health
Reclaiming Medical Expenses
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